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Set-Off Issue Completed

Written by None | 18 December 2023

The Swedish Companies Registration Office (‘Bolagsverket’) has now approved the Set-Off Issue that Shareholders resolved to carry out at the EGM held in Stockholm on Friday 8 December 2023. As a result, Per Lindberg, who is the CEO, now owns 25,818,738 shares in Ranplan Group, corresponding to 54.80% of a total of 47,118,242 (each share represents one vote). The 30% threshold of all outstanding votes in the Company has thus been surpassed, entailing that the Mandatory Public Bid Rule (“Budpliktsregeln”) will come into effect. Per Lindberg will revert via a press release within the stipulated time period of four weeks with more information as to how the situation will be handled.

The information was provided by the contact person named for publication on 18 December 2023 at 17.45 CET.