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Outcome of Per Lindberg BidCo AB's Mandatory Bid for Ranplan Group AB

Written by None | 20 March 2024

NOTE: The Swedish version of this press release takes precedence over any other representation, should any differences be found.

Per Lindberg BidCo AB (“the Bidder”), has made public the result of the concluded mandatory bid, which acceptance period expired 2024-03-19.

Summary of the result:

  • The offer was accepted by shareholders owning a total of 1 297 970 shares, corresponding to approximately 2.76% of the total number of shares and votes in Ranplan.
  • Per Lindberg’s total ownership (privately and through the Bidder) is after conclusion of the mandatory bid 38 201 594 shares, corresponding to approximately 81.1% of the total number of shares and votes in Ranplan. The Bidder’s press release in Swedish is available here.


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