
Nomination committee’s proposal for the AGM in June 2020

Published on May 20th 2020
Nomination committee’s proposal for the AGM in June 2020

The nomination committee is composed of the chairman of the board of directors (Jie Zhang), Wendy Yang and Per Lindberg. The nomination committee has presented the following proposed resolutions in relation to items 11-14 in the agenda for the AGM in Stockholm on 15 June 2020.

Items 11-13. Election of and remuneration to the board of directors and auditors

The board of directors today consists of the following four (4) ordinary members without deputy members: Jie Zhang (chairman), Tomas Isaksson, Wendy Yang and Per Lindberg, It is proposed that the board of directors shall consist of six (6) ordinary members without deputy members until the end of the next annual general meeting. Furthermore, it is proposed that a registered accounting firm shall be elected as auditor.

It is proposed that the fees payable to the board of directors for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting shall amount to a total of minimum of SEK 350,000 and a maximum of SEK 750,000 of which SEK 350,000 shall be paid to the chairman and SEK 200,000 to each of the other ordinary members not receiving salary from the group or not abstaining from collecting a fee for the work on the board.

It is proposed that the company’s auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.

All current board members are proposed to be re-elected and Tomas Isaksson is proposed to be elected as chairman of the board of directors. Jon Ullmark, Chief Strategy Officer, and Jinxing Xue, major shareholder, are both proposed to be newly elected to join the board.

More information regarding the proposed board members’ principal education and work experience, any work performed for the company and any other significant professional commitments etc. is to be found on the company’s website at A brief background on Jon Ullmark and Jinxing Xue is provided below.

Jon Ullmark joined Ranplan as CSO on 1 Sept 2019.  Previously, he operated as the Deputy CEO and General Manager for EMEA at Hoylu. Jon has previously held senior leadership roles at Semcon (Area Manager), C Security Systems (CEO) and Pilotfish Marine (Acting CEO).

Jinxing Xue is the chairman of Beijing 21st century Golden Star Education Technology Co. Ltd. Since 1993, Jinxing began to engage in researching, developing, and publishing educational books, and founded Jilin Songliao Publishing Co., Ltd prior to starting his current company. 

The accounting firm PwC is proposed to be re-elected as auditor.

Stockholm, May 2020
The board of directors

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