Ranplan Group AB’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the general recommendations of the Swedish Accounting Standards Board, BFNAR 2012:1 Annual reports and consolidated accounts
Basis of preparation
All entities included in these combined financial statements are under common control
as they are all ultimately majority-owned and controlled by Ranplan Group AB. The
Ranplan Group, as presented in these financial statements, constitutes of the entities
Ranplan Group AB, Ranplan Holdings Ltd, Ranplan Wireless Network Design Ltd,
Ranplan America LLC and Shandong Ruixin Telecommunication Technology co. Ltd.
(Ranplan China), has not constituted a separate legal group entity for the periods presented in these financial statements. Accordingly the combined financial statements
represent an aggregation of the historical financial information of the entities in the
Group. The combined historical financial information, which has been prepared specifically for the purpose of this Prospectus, is therefore prepared on a basis that combines the results, assets and liabilities of each of the companies constituting the
Group by applying the principles underlying the consolidation procedures of the Swedish Accounting Standards Board, BFNAR 2012:1 Annual reports and consolidated
accounts (“K3”) for each of the years presented. On such basis, the combined historical financial information sets out the Group’s financial position as of 31 December
2017 and 2016 and results of operations and cash flows for the two years then ended.
The combined financial information has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Prospectus Directive Regulation, the Listing Rules on Nasdaq
Stockholm, and in accordance with this basis of preparation.
As Ranplan Group AB is a newly established off-the-shelf Group, which has not conducted any business, the future consolidated financial statements of Ranplan Group
AB will be prepared as a continuation of the current Group. The transaction that underlies the establishing of Ranplan Group AB, as a new parent Group, is merely a
reorganization of the current group where Ranplan Group AB is the parent Group.
Accordingly, the combined financial statements of Ranplan Group AB have been prepared on that basis. The future consolidated financial statements of Ranplan Group
AB will, in all essentials, be consistent with these combined financial statements.