Telecom events

EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024

Written by Sample HubSpot User | 2 May 2024

We are thrilled to share our participation in the EuCNC & 6G Summit where we will be sharing our latest AI-powered Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (AIRIS) solutions that integrate AI techniques into RIS-assisted communication, including RIS modelling and beamforming design, AI-enabled RIS optimal deployment, RIS-based coverage and capacity simulation for outdoor, indoor, and outdoor-to-indoor scenarios.

This innovation presents a promising energy and spectral-efficient alternative to the active communication components prevalent in current wireless systems. It is the synergy between these technical capabilities that ensures RIS deployments are efficient, adaptable, and capable of meeting the ever-evolving demands of modern wireless applications in Smart Cities, the Internet of Things and beyond. Looking ahead, this formidable combination promises a wireless communication landscape that is faster, more reliable, and incredibly versatile, setting the stage for a future 6G communication where connectivity knows no bounds.

Location: Flanders Meeting and Convention Center, Antwerp
Date: 3rd - 6th June 2024

Join us at Booth 39A, where our team will be available to explore collaborative opportunities with both academic and industrial partners. Together, we'll delve into a range of topics, including but not limited to 5G/6G, IoT, UAV, AI, RIS, ML, data analysis, and ISAC, aiming to pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in wireless technology.

Ranplan Wireless was the first to equip customers with a 5G indoor and outdoor wireless network planning tool. We understand 5G NR is far more complex than previous generations and the advent of Private Wireless increases the potential for network failures and/or interrupted service. Our extensive research, expertise in RF technologies and collaborative partnerships enable us to pioneer the software tools needed to plan, optimise and automate the delivery of energy-efficient, reliable networks for commercial and private use cases.